Design a User-defined robot of your choice (or you can use the URDF file) and enable the LIDAR Scanner so that any obstacle placed on the path of the light scan will cut the light rays. Visualize the robot in the Gazebo workspace, and also show the demonstration in RViz. (NB: Gain knowledge on wiring URDF file and .launch file for enabling any user-defined robot to get launched in the gazebo platform.) SLAM : One of the most popular applications of ROS is SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). The objective of the SLAM in mobile robotics is to construct and update the map of an unexplored environment with the help of the available sensors attached to the robot which will be used for exploring. URDF: Unified Robotics Description Format, URDF, is an XML specification used in academia and industry to model multibody systems such as robotic manipulator arms for manufacturing assembly lines and animatronic robots for amusement parks. URDF is especially popular with users of the Robo
Installation of Ptolemy II in Ubuntu 22.04
This post shows the installation instructions of Ptolemy II in Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 Operating System.
Ptolemy II is used to simulate and emulate discrete systems, Synchronous dataflow, dynamic Dataflow, FSM, etc. The software is free and open source and its based on Java.
The complete instructions can be found in this video
Tools needed:
1. JDK is needed (preferably JDK 11, if you have already another version of JDK, no issues you can install JDK 11 as well and you can change the runtime java based on the need. For more details on how to switch the java version in Ubuntu, Check this video)
2. Ptolemy Software (can be downloaded from here)
Step 1: Getting ready with your Ubuntu 22.04 OS
Run the following commands
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev
Step 2 - Extract the ptolemy software through the GUI window and set the environmental variable
Right click over the file and click "Extract Here"
Set the PTII environment as per the following commands.
Open the terminal and open the file using the command
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
and copy the following line in the line number 4
export PTII=$HOME/ptII11.0.1.src/ptII11.0.1
Step 3: Installation of Ptolemy II
I have installed in my home folder as per this path (/home/pradeepkumar/ptII11.0.1.src/ptII11.0.1/)
Open a terminal and execute the following commands
$ cd ptII11.0.1.src/ptII11.0.1/
$ ./configure --enable-verbose
$ make
$ cd bin
$ ./vergil
Once the installation over, you can open the vergil software and it shows the screenshot like this.
Ptolemy II |
Then you can proceed to go to the documentation and other examples there of. For more details watch the Youtube video
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