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Showing posts from February, 2020

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Simulation of URDF, Gazebo and Rviz | ROS Noetic Tutorial 8

Design a User-defined robot of your choice (or you can use the URDF file) and enable the LIDAR Scanner so that any obstacle placed on the path of the light scan will cut the light rays. Visualize the robot in the Gazebo workspace, and also show the demonstration in RViz.   (NB: Gain knowledge on wiring URDF file and .launch file for enabling any user-defined robot to get launched in the gazebo platform.) SLAM : One of the most popular applications of ROS is SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). The objective of the SLAM in mobile robotics is to construct and update the map of an unexplored environment with the help of the available sensors attached to the robot which will be used for exploring. URDF: Unified Robotics Description Format, URDF, is an XML specification used in academia and industry to model multibody systems such as robotic manipulator arms for manufacturing assembly lines and animatronic robots for amusement parks. URDF is especially popular with users of the Robo

Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) protocol in ns3

GPSR - Greedy Perimeter and Stateless Routing Please watch the following video for Full details. VANETs - Vehicular Adhoc NEtworks. PA GPSR, MM GPSR and GPSR. Under and post graduate - You can use the modules as it is and compare these protcols for VANETs. If you are a PhD scholar, you can modify the protocols and design your own GPSR alternatives. In this video, we will be seeing the installation of GPSR and some source codes. ns-3.27 which i could not succeed, So I prefer going to ns-3.23 we can both multiple version of ns3. I am going to run ns-3.23 for GPSR and other simulations with ns-3.27 and ns-3.29 Welcome to the Installation. If you are installing ns3 for the first time, install the following packages. (You can copy paste) $] sudo apt install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev  python-pygraphviz cvs mercurial bzr git cmake p7zip-full python-matplotlib python-tk python-dev python-kiwi python-gnome2 python-gnome2-dev qt4-dev-tools qt4-qmake

Make a Windows 10 bootable USB using Command prompt

Are you a person recently purchased a netbook which is not having a DVD ROM, No problem, you can install any OS using a pendrive or USB’s. Here is the steps. Requirements 1. A 8GB pen drive (since the size of Windows 10 is 3.2GB) 2. Windows 10 installation files or a iso image of Windows 10 OS 3. Administrative privileges in the OS Step 1 : Take the backup of all the data in your usb drive plug into the Machine. Step 2 : Go to device manager (Control panel –> device manager –> select disk –> select your usb drive ) and then right click –> properties –> go to policies –> Select Better performance). This step is needed for faster installation of windows 10 (You can wonder, windows 10 installed within 15 minutes with just 1GB RAM) See the following video Step 3 :   open the command prompt with administrative rights (Accessories –> right click Command prompt – and select run as administrator) Step 4 : type DISKPART  (you will get a prompt as