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Showing posts from September, 2018

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Wormhole Attack in ns2 with full source code

Wormhole attack in ns2 - with full source code. OS Used: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Ns2 version - 2.35 Just three files are to be modified ll.h Download link for all the files .cc, .h and .tcl files All these files are located in the ~ns-2.35/mac/ How to do? Copy all the above three files in the mac/ folder and open the terminal $] cd ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35 $] make  You should not get any error. Once done, open the tcl files given in the folder ex-wormhole and run the examples and predict the performance as per the video given above. What is wormhole? How to download the files. I will give the copy of the above three files in my website Very soon, I will move to github. Subscribe to my youtube channel and share. Explanation of Wormhole Attack Hope you would have enjoyed this worm hole attack in ns2. Please download the full source code from my website