Design a User-defined robot of your choice (or you can use the URDF file) and enable the LIDAR Scanner so that any obstacle placed on the path of the light scan will cut the light rays. Visualize the robot in the Gazebo workspace, and also show the demonstration in RViz. (NB: Gain knowledge on wiring URDF file and .launch file for enabling any user-defined robot to get launched in the gazebo platform.) SLAM : One of the most popular applications of ROS is SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). The objective of the SLAM in mobile robotics is to construct and update the map of an unexplored environment with the help of the available sensors attached to the robot which will be used for exploring. URDF: Unified Robotics Description Format, URDF, is an XML specification used in academia and industry to model multibody systems such as robotic manipulator arms for manufacturing assembly lines and animatronic robots for amusement parks. URDF is especially popular with users of the Robo
This post is for the readers particularly those who want to learn OMNeT++. As you aware, ns2 and OMNeT++ are two software that are freely distributed and available to academics for almost free of cost. However, when dealing with the documentation, both suffers a set back. NS has a documentation and still researchers across the world have their own way of learning. And OMNeT++ has a proper documentation, that is very huge and takes times to understand. Packt Publishing has published a book in OMNeT++ authored by Thomas Chamberlain You may refer the following website for OMNeT++ You can also learn: This book is organized in the following chapters. Getting started with OMNeT++ Installing OMNeT++ OMNeT++ Simulations Creating and Running simulation Learning from your simulation There are just 5 chapters that are just enough for a beginner to get a grip in unde