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Showing posts from October, 2015

ROS Publisher and Subscribers | ROS Noetic Tutorial

TinyOS Installation in Ubuntu 12.04 - IoT Perspective

This post tells you how to install TinyOS installation in Ubuntu 12.04 (I used this old OS as the tinyos 2.0.2 is released earlier and has the full support). However you can try installing in a recent OS also.  But prefer Ubunu with LTS support.  OS Used: Ubuntu 12.04 Tiny OS Used: Pulled from git (an easier method to do the installation) TinyOS   NesC compiler installation  $] sudo apt-get update $] sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf2.64 automake libxmu-dev flex bison emacs gperf $] git clone git:// $] cd nesc/ $] ./Bootstrap $] ./configure  $] make $] make install (If not working, then try sudo make install) Tiny OS installation $] git clone git:// $] cd tinyos-main/tools $] ./Bootstrap $] ./configure $] make $] sudo make install  T S Pradeep Kumar