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Showing posts from April, 2013

Print the Congestion Window Graph in NS2

Congestion window size is a major factor in predicting the performance of a TCP Network. NS2 handles the Congestion window like a variable cwnd_ and it can be printed to a graph and as well printed as values at various intervals of time. The following tcl script will let you understand the working of the network (TCP Reno Protocol) and also helps you in plotting the characteristics of Congestion window value. Xgraph is used to plot the congestion window. To install xgraph, one can use the ns-allinone-2.3x package or directly install using yum install xgraph (fedora) and sudo apt-get install xgraph (Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Debian families) Each and every line of the code is explained with comments. Still any doubts, please post your queries in the comment section. When you copy and paste the following lines in your editor, see whether the characters are ASCII or else download here . #create simulator set ns [new Simulator]         #to create nodes set n0 [$ns node] set n1 [$

NS2 Scenario Generator - Lecture 7

If you are tired of writing code using .tcl files, here is a solution for that. This software is a little bit old, as it released sometime during 2007, still some of the students/Researchers are not aware of this software. So, you need not waste your time in editing the tcl files. And since this software is written in java, it works well with almost any Operating System (With JRE installed on the System). Refer this video for more information You can download the software from this link Some features of this software wired and wireless nodes will be created establish connection between the nodes Creating links (Duplex-Link and Simplex-Link) TCP and UDP agents are supported Creating applications (CBR and FTP) Node movement And still there are lot more as the developer of this software is actively maintaining the software and you can expect lot more in the future also. You can download the software from this link di

Top 10 Networking Commands in Linux

There are many network commands linux supports but there are only a few commands that explore the major things in a network. There are 10 such networking commands in Linux to explore the routing, packets, etc. if you want to know about the commands use " man commandname " (without Quotes) Command 1: # ifconfig you may use the options to configure ifconfig -v (for showing the verbose mode) command to configure the given network interface (wlan0, eth0, etc) Command 2 : # ping To send ICMP, Echo request to hosts Here is the output PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=128 time=0.735 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=128 time=0.871 ms --- ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 999ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.735/0.803/0.871/0.068 ms Command 3:  traceroute domainname or IP Address print the route packets trace to network host

How to Access Wordpress from two URLs (IP)

If you have developed a wordpress Site to be configured for internet and Intranet. The following script will let you access the wordpress site from two different IP address or URLs. The home folder of wordpress contains a wp-config.php file. Include the following lines into the wp-config.php file $LAN_PREFIX = '172.16.'; if(substr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 0, strlen($LAN_PREFIX)) == $LAN_PREFIX) {     define('WP_HOME','');     define('WP_SITEURL','');      // The local IP } else {     define('WP_HOME','');     define('WP_SITEURL','');      // The public IP } this will be suitable for those who needs to conserve the bandwidth inside your campus (Use Intranet) and can access outside the campus (Use Internet). NB: Once this setting is enabled and restart the server, inside the wordpress dashboard-> settings –>