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Showing posts from June, 2014

NS3 installation in Linux Mint 17 (64 bit)

This post tells you how to install the ns3 version in Linux Mint 17 (64bit)- Long Term Support till 2019. Preliminaries The following development libraries are to be installed before trying ns3 $prompt] sudo apt-get update  $prompt] sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev $prompt] sudo apt-get install ia32-libs  (the above software ia32-libs is needed only when you want to run the 32 bit applications inside a 64bit OS) Now download the ns3 software from the website I downloaded the version 3.20 ( ns-allinone-3.20.tar.bz2 ). Please do understand that ns2 is different from ns3 and they are not having any link between them (however, some network models were used in ns3 were adopted from ns2). Also ns3 will run using the main() of C++ and also it has python bindings. Here is the installation steps of ns3 1. copy the ns-allinone-3.20.tar.bz2 in the home directory(Ex: /home/pradeepkumar) 2. Set the following path information (t

Time Command in Linux

The  time  command is linux is very much useful if you want to know the time information while running a program or a process. The time command usage is as followsprompt $] time <commandname> Example prompt $] time ls The output will be real0m0.002s user0m0.004s sys0m0.000s If you want to see the detailed system parameters occupied during a program or process, then the command will be prompt$] TIMEFORMAT=”” time -v <commandname> See the screenshot given below Time Command in Linux The output of the above command is Desktop  Documents  Downloads  examples.desktop  MusicPictures  Public  Templates  Videos Command being timed: “ls” User time (seconds): 0.00 System time (seconds): 0.00 Percent of CPU this job got: 400% Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.00 Average shared text size (kbytes): 0 Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0 Average stack size (kbytes): 0 Average total size (kbytes): 0 Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 3600 Average res

Simple Screen Recorder for Linux

Recording the screen in Linux OS is always a tedious task, as either the video/audio malfunctions or support may not be there. There is a tools called simple screen recorder for Linux. Its a very simple tool that is recorded and processed in no time. For example, if you record an 1 hour video, the processing may take another 20 to 50 minutes. But this software does the “On the fly recording and processing” This software has a straight forward interface and its incomparable to other softwares in the market. Its faster than VLC It never takes more amount of RAM like VLC do. Its multithreaded, if you have more than one core, then the processing happens at all the cores. it can do live streaming also, but it is under experimental setting. it supports many different codecs. Here is the simple screenshot. Simple Screen Recorder Simple Screen Recorder Simple Screen Recorder Simple Screen Recorder A 42 minute video is recorded using this software and it ta