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Aquasim in ns3

This post shows you how to install aquasim in ns3. Aquasim is a simulator used for simulating underwater Wireless Sensor networks which was used with ns2 earlier, and now it is available for ns3 too.

OS Used: Linux Mint 18.1 or Ubuntu 16.04
Ns version used: ns-3.27

You should have installed ns3 before trying the following. Please follow the ns3 installation instructions here.

Open the terminal and give the following instructions.

$] cd ns-allinone-3.27/ns-3.27/src

$] git clone https://github.com/rmartin5/aqua-sim-ng.git

$] cd ..

$] ./waf --enable-examples --enable-tests configure --disable-python

$] ./waf 

Once successful, you will get a screen like this which indicates that aquasim is installed successfully in ns3.
Aquasim in ns3

To test an example, go to the folder

~ns-3.27/src/aqua-sim-ng/examples/ and copy the file broadcastMAC_example.cc to the scratch/ folder and type the command to run the example.

$] cd ns-allinone-3.27/ns-3.27
$] ./waf --run scratch/broadcastMAC_example (give the name of the file correctly to run)
See the screenshot below, it looks like this.
Please look for the video that shows the explanation and installation of Aquasim in ns3.

T S Pradeep Kumar


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  3. hello sir
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