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SUMO and MOVE Example Traffic Simulation

This post will show you the example of SUMO and MOVE using the Ubuntu 12.04 (64bit) operating system.

  • MOVE.jar (This software will work only with sumo version 0.12.3).
  • SUMO (0.12.3)  
  • jdk (To run MOVE)
The command to run MOVE.jar is
$] java -jar MOVE.jar

Here is the screenshot of all the images.
My Own Road with Traffic Signals

 The above diagram shows there are 6 junctions (0 to 5) and the Traffic signals are at 1,2,4 and 5. There are roads connecting the junctions. Each Road has two lanes named R for Right, L for Left, U for Up and D for down.
R12 indicates a lane from 1 to 2 and L12 indicates 2 to 1

To create simulation using MOVE, The following options in MOVE.jar have to be implemented. 
  •  Mobility Model
    • Node (file.nod.xml)
    • Edge (file.edge.xml)
    • Configuration (file.netc.cfg)
    • Create Map (
    • Flow (file.flow.xml)
    • Turn (file.turn.xml)
    • Create Vehicle (file.rou.xml)
    • Configuration (file.sumo.cfg) - This file is the one running in sumo-gui
    • Visualization ( - This file will be helpful in creating the tcl file for ns2.
    • Run Simulation (no of vehicles emitted and running with simulation time will be shown)
  •  Traffic Model
    • Static Mobility (this creates file.nam,, file.tcl) that can be running using ns2.
First screen of MOVE

After Selecting Mobility Model from the above Image



SUMO Configuration

Generate Map



Sumo configuration file generation

SUMO Demo for the Road designed in Fig 1

Sumo Demo in Zoom Out

 To create tcl file for ns2
To Create Tcl file for ns2

nam file demo

nam file demo
All the above images shows that the move and sumo is helpful in creating a traffic simulation that transmit packets between the vehicles. Here each node in nam represents the vehicle and they transmit packets between them.
The packet delivery ratio, throughput, bit error rate, loss rate, end to end delay can be calculated based on the tracefile generation.

The same project can be extended as following
  • A car act as a malicious node and can be analysed for the packet loss before and after malicious activity
  • Instead our own design of junctions and roads, real roads may be taken using openstreetmap and some of the above procedures may be carried out. 
If any user needs the source code for any of these applications, they can contact me through my email or comment in the following section. 

 T S Pradeep Kumar



    1. I want the TCL file source code,

  2. sir very clearly u explained i am very thankful to u but i have a doubt how to create a vanet,nam file please provide me that nam file sir my email id thank u so much

  3. I want the source code

  4. sir i need to shoeing tutorial for The packet delivery ratio, throughput, bit error rate, loss rate, end to end delay can be calculated based on the tracefile generation.

  5. The packet delivery ratio, throughput, bit error rate, loss rate, end to end delay can be calculated based on the tracefile generation.

    please give me those files sir..........

  6. email:

  7. sir i have watch your lecture on sumo and move i tried this move with sumu .19 its not working. kindly send me alink for a move that works with sumo .19.0.

  8. I want the source code

  9. Sir,i want the source code

  10. Sir your lecture is very helpful to me. Could I have the source code about SUMO and MOVE traffic simulations? My Email address is:

  11. Sir, your lecture on sumo and move has helped me with my VANET project. Kindly mail the source code to Thanks in advance.

  12. I need it asap sir. Have to prepare demo for my VANET project. kindly mail to

  13. Sir you have explained it very well, it would be very much helpful if you can provide me the code as i am working on a project with this.My mail id is

  14. Sir,I get this error every time
    Warning: Please note that 'xml-node-files' is deprecated.
    Loading configuration ...
    Use 'node-files' instead.
    could you please comment a solution for the above error?

    1. This is a very old software. you can use the latest ersion of sumo 1.92 and is very powerful with many features. check my youtube channel called engineering clinic


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