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Installation of Network Simulator 2 (NS-2.35) in Linux Mint 14 (16bit)

The following video and the how to instructions will tell you how you can install ns-2.35 in Linux mint 14 (64 bit) edition.

  • Step 1: This video shows you the demonstration of ns2 in Linux Mint 14 (64Bit) OS
  • Step 2: issue this command in the terminal "sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev" (without Quotes)
  • Step 3: if you have Ubuntu issue this command first before u try step 2 : "sudo apt-get update"
  • Step 4: Once installation succeeded, start the process of installing ns2
  • Step 5: copy the ns-allinone-2.3x.tar.gz in the home folder, in my case it is /home/pradeep
  • Step 6: go to home folder and execute this command "tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz"
  • step 7: cd ns-allinone-2.35 and ./install (after these commands, wait for the successful installation), it may take 5 min to 15 minutes based on the
    speed of your computer.
  • Step 8: there may be errors shown, in case if errors, the errors should be corrected and reissue the command ./install
  • step 9: There is an error on ns-2.35/linkstate/ls.h file, so the error has to be corrected as pointed out in the video,
    In line number 137, change erase to this->erase
  • Step 10: Once installation is succeeded, you will get some path information
    Step 11: set the paths in the .profile file which is under the home directory (/home/pradeep/.profile)
  • as specified in the video, copy the PATH url and LD_LIBRARY_PATH URL and paste in the .profile file.
  • Step 12: Once the path information is set, run the command to test the path "source /home/pradeep/.profile) and see there should not be any errors
    Step 16: try ns and nam individually and see whether they are working
    when you type ns and type enter a % symbol indicates the installation is successful
    when you type nam and a network animation window pop up.


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