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Promiscuous Mode in AODV (ns 2.34)

In a network, promiscuous mode allows a network device to intercept and read each network packet that arrives in its entirety. This mode of operation is sometimes given to a network snoop server that captures and saves all packets for analysis (for example, for monitoring network usage). Its often used to
monitor network activity

Files to be changed
1. ~ns-2.34/aodv/aodv.h
2. ~ns-2.34/aodv/
3. ~ns-2.34/lib/tcl/ns-mobilenode.tcl

1. Make AODV agent a child class of Tap (you should have a member function tap), and define the Mac variable

   1: #include <mac.h>
   2: class AODV: public Tap, public Agent {
   3: public:
   4: void tap(const Packet *p);
   5: ......
   6: protected:
   7: Mac *mac_;
   8: ......
   9: }

2. Modify aodv/
Define TCL command "install-tap" and implement AODV::tap()

   1: int AODV::command(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
   3: ......
   5: else if(argc == 3) {
   7: ......
   9: else if (strcmp(argv[1], "install-tap") == 0) {
  10: mac_ = (Mac*)TclObject::lookup(argv[2]);
  11: if (mac_ == 0) return TCL_ERROR;
  12: mac_->installTap(this);
  13: return TCL_OK;
  14: }
  16: } 
  17: return Agent::command(argc, argv);
  20: }
  22: void AODV::tap(const Packet *p) {
  23: //put your code here
  24: fprintf(stdout,"Node in Promiscuous Mode");
  25: } 

3. Modify tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl

   1: Node/MobileNode instproc add-target { agent port } {
   2: $self instvar dmux_ imep_ toraDebug_ mac_
   3: ......
   4: # Special processing for AODV
   5: set aodvonly [string first "AODV" [$agent info class]] 
   6: if {$aodvonly != -1 } {
   7: $agent if-queue [$self set ifq_(0)] ; # ifq between LL and MAC
   8: $agent install-tap $mac_(0)
   9: ......
  10: }


  1. Hi all,

    it's work, but I just got RREQ Only, please help me how to get a RREP...

    best regard

    1. can u please tell me that how will it work i have done the same changes in the code but its not working.its urgent please

    2. check your code a gain. mine is similar to above ..

  2. i have done what ever the changes u have said but some errors are getting while i was running tcl script.
    cant read mac(0):no such variable and some errors like that

  3. Replies
    1. ya that only i am getting errors...........

    2. Sir can u please send me the file of those three which u have.......please sir its little bit email id is

    3. hey sridhar,
      the error given is $mac(0), you need to change it to mac_(0). thats what i mentioned inmy previosu comment.
      i have to do it again to get all the files.
      to see the results, you can use AODV protocol of any TCL file and get the results....

    4. sir i have chenged what ever the changes u hav said but it is getting still errors..

  4. Hello all,,..

    please help me, how to calculate buffer size in file??

    Thank you.

    Best regard
    Ach. Khozaimi

  5. how can i use the command "install-tap" under tcl?

  6. I also need to know that how can i call install-tap command under tcl

  7. please help me, how to calculate lamda and mu in queue on protocol aodv and see it in the trace file??
    my contact :

  8. hello sir i am final year student i want to modify the aodv protocol can u just help me for that

  9. I have a simple question:
    To write the needed code to simulate a special scenario, is it enough to learn how to write tcl files with ns2 commands? That means we don't need to enter into the header files and C++/C files of NS2, right?

  10. hello
    please can you help me with a code in tap to get number of packet drop, send, and modifier by node. thanks

  11. hello please help me with a code that read or listn black hole attack promiscously in ns2


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