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Simulation of URDF, Gazebo and Rviz | ROS Noetic Tutorial 8

Design a User-defined robot of your choice (or you can use the URDF file) and enable the LIDAR Scanner so that any obstacle placed on the path of the light scan will cut the light rays. Visualize the robot in the Gazebo workspace, and also show the demonstration in RViz.   (NB: Gain knowledge on wiring URDF file and .launch file for enabling any user-defined robot to get launched in the gazebo platform.) SLAM : One of the most popular applications of ROS is SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). The objective of the SLAM in mobile robotics is to construct and update the map of an unexplored environment with the help of the available sensors attached to the robot which will be used for exploring. URDF: Unified Robotics Description Format, URDF, is an XML specification used in academia and industry to model multibody systems such as robotic manipulator arms for manufacturing assembly lines and animatronic robots for amusement parks. URDF is especially popular with users of the Robo

How to Run TCL File in Network Simulator 2

1. Install NS2 and set the path.

2. After Installing NS2, go the $prompt and run ns filename
For example, ns tcp.tcl (if the file name is tcp.tcl)

3. after the previous statement automatically the .nam and .tr files will be created in the same folder (the tcl file should contain the provision of tracing the nam and trace file.. those examples we will discuss later in the blog)
(nam means Network Animator and tr means Trace file)

4. to see the demo in GUI, run nam tcp.nam
(a window will be opened and you can click the run button )
5. .tr file is actual file helpful to see the performance factors like(throughput, packet drop, etc).
You can parse the .tr file using softwares like tracegraph202(need to download separately) or xgraph( which comes along with ns2)


  1. sir,
    i am in final year of b-tech iam doing in my project "implementation of flow and error control using ns2" so till now i have install ns2 2.29 on ubuntu 9.4

    kindly send me the source code for "implementing flow and error control " as soon as possible.

  2. Dear Sir,
    Im a doing a project on Mobile Adhoc network using ns2 2.34 ,we propose a new routing protocol to support the selection of stable and high speed route in Multi-Rate Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET). We introduce another approach for modeling the mobility aspect under the relation with the variation of communication rate. Maximize the proposed "Route Selection Indicator" (RBI) ensures that the selected route is the most stable, has highest speed among route candidates. Kindly provide me the source code to choose the stable,highspeed route using RSI metric.

  3. hello sir
    i am learner or ns2... how to run .tcl file in ns2

  4. sir i am pursuing my engineering now and presently belong to 8th semister. I am doing project on
    " Model Based technique for data reliability in wireless sensor network using ns-2". but i didnt know how to implement wireless sensor network using ns2. so please send the source code for implementation...

    waiting for your help

  5. sir,
    hav nstalled ns2 2.34 allinone,but aftr nstallation it is not giving % on wrting ns,rather it is giving
    divya@divya-laptop:~$ ns
    Usage: host [-v] [-a] [-t querytype] [options] name [server]
    Listing: host [-v] [-a] [-t querytype] [options] -l zone [server]
    Hostcount: host [-v] [options] -H [-D] [-E] [-G] zone
    Check soa: host [-v] [options] -C zone
    Addrcheck: host [-v] [options] -A host
    Listing options: [-L level] [-S] [-A] [-p] [-P prefserver] [-N skipzone]
    Common options: [-d] [-f|-F file] [-I chars] [-i|-n] [-q] [-Q] [-T] [-Z]
    Other options: [-c class] [-e] [-m] [-o] [-r] [-R] [-s secs] [-u] [-w]
    Special options: [-O srcaddr] [-j minport] [-J maxport]
    Extended usage: [-x [name ...]] [-X server [name ...]]
    pls help me ,so tht i can start ma project as soon as possible:)

  6. sir
    i m doing my dissertation on the topic of performance evalution of dsdv and aodv routing protoals for wsn. please send me the source code in ns2.34.
    i will be the thankful to you

  7. sir
    i am the new person to work with ns2...while i run the tcl file,the .tr file was create,but the .nam file cant able to create.will u please help me how to create the nam file.thank u.

  8. sir
    i am doing final yr project in wireless sensor network in ns2.34 and i installed ns2.34 in ubuntu 11.04 and successfully runs the tcl files. i need patch for wireless network and the installation steps please help me sir
    thank you sir.

  9. sir,
    i want the sources codesof some wireless routing protocols like dsdv,aodv etc. where can we find or get them.please list the sources..
    with regards

  10. you can find examples in the ns2 source itself.

  11. Very useful website even for the beginners who dont about NS2

  12. Dear Sir,
    Im a doing a project on Mobile Adhoc network using ns2,we propose a new routing protocol to support the selection of stable and high speed route in Multi-Rate Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET). I am installing ns2 on my laptop's window xp by using cygwin. some issues occurred while installing. help me to come out from this dilemma..

  13. sir,how are we going to know or read the output of the trace file??


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